Sunday, January 31, 2010


we as a human we tend to complaint that we lost this and we lost that, we never gain a thing even we lost this and that..
so is just a waste of time right?
besides, human is greedy and selfish..
we always hopes gain more than lost, it'll be better if there's no lost and just gain right?
this world is fair, what we tend to complaint is because of our greediness..
a simple example for us as a student..
we tend to involve ourselves in study right?
we spent hours and hours, days and days just to get the bloody straight A's right?
we always complaint that "I already spent 8hours per day to study but still get 2A's?!! this world is so unfair!!!"
but think carefully did you really spent the 8hours to study or just part of the 8hours to study?
this world is fair, you spent most of your day to study seriously you'll get an excellent result..
for those who claimed that they spent 8hours per day to study still get bad result, i can tell that they spent 8hours per day to look at the book not gain knowledge..
beside this example, there's another one which is simple i think
you gain knowledge from your teachers, friends, or even reading materials
and you applied it on your examinations which can consider as a lost..
and you get a splendid result and that's is consider as gain right?
fair enough right??
let's move on to a thing which everyone complaint the most..
mostly complains only appears when break up takes place
some people tend to complaint that how much effort they had put into this relationship, at the end what they get is break up??
means they're complaining about got lost no gain..
they're terribly wrong about it..
in the process of couple they did put in a lot of efforts and loves..
but they also gains the love from the other party..
besides even the day they lost their partner they still gain a thing which know as experience..
you lost a girlfriend or boyfriend and you gain experience about it..
these experience might helps you in the future..
remember no pain no gain, no lost no gain , when there's lost for sure there's gain
one last example about this..
about having a house..
you lost a part of you salary every month to have a house, which most people take it as a lost in money wise..
but they gain a place to stay, a safety place for their family, a place where memories begins and stored..
the lost is just a part of your money which can be earn back, just matter of time
but the gains like memories is something that are priceless cannot be buy even you're the wealthiest man on earth..
that's all i wanted to share, whether you agree or not, it doesn't matters
because opinions is allows and different people have different opinion..

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